get involved.
donate gear.
Donate your gently used sporting equipment, athletic shoes and clothing to children around the world. Donations will be sent to one of the various organizations we partner with and your donation will not only allow your equipment to be reused, but it will have a direct impact on a child's life. Visit our donate gear page to learn more, and contact us with any questions.
donate funds.
Every penny matters! Your generous donation will be used for storing and shipping purposes, to ultimately allow the equipment to be "replayed" around the world. Donations will also be used to help fund service trips and transport equipment. To donate, please visit our donate funds page.

take part in a trip
*Due to COVID-19, trips are postponed until further notice.*
Take a trip with us and see the incredible impact sports have on children. Help us deliver equipment to places in need around the world and teach children the importance of sports, how to play, and how to have a healthy lifestyle with sports. This opportunity will give you a chance to help children fulfill their passions of sports.
When trips resume, more information will be posted here. Please contact us at replayitorg@gmail.com for more information
To be the first to know about upcoming trips, follow us on our social media!